Vida Nueva Aguilares

Nueva Aguilares was Pastor Manuel Orellana’s third church plant in the Northern Chalatenango Department of El Salvador. This church was established on December 8, 2008. This semi urban yet still largely rural area is located about 50 miles north of San Salvador. Sugar cane cultivation is the major economic activity for this area. The estimated population is about 100,000 and is about 13 square miles in size. The town of Guazapa lies to its east and south, Nejapa to its south, and Quezaltepeque to its west. Vida Nueva Aguilares, in conjunction with Vida Nueva San Salvador and Apopa are all working towards reaching people in these areas. If you have ever come on a Good News in Action mission trip to El Salvador, you have undoubtedly participated in outreaches to these areas. This is a strategic city along the northern corridor of the country and is key in reaching for Christ. This area is very catholic and has been highly influenced by the work of Rutillio Grande, the Aguilares Parish Jesuit priest and activist during the late 1960’s and 1970’s.  

Vida Nueva Aguilares has a strong evangelism ministry among many other ministries and is dedicated to reaching the entire area for Christ. They often project evangelistic films outdoors, visit door to door, hold evangelistic dinners and get involved in meeting material needs such as clothing and shoes in order to reach souls for Christ. The church membership is currently at 165 adults, the majority participating in constant outreaches in the area. While Pastor Manuel Orellana is the founding pastor and maintains good supervision over this church, Vida Nueva Aguilares has its own senior Pastor, Joel Lopez, and assistant to the pastor, Jonathan Lopez. The church in Aguilares meets on Sundays at 4:30 PM and Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6 PM.