Vida Nueva La Labranza


Vida Nueva La Labranza was Pastor Manuel Orellana’s second church plant in the Northern Department of Chalatenango. This mission church was established in December 2002. Its proximity to El Coyolito (about 20 miles away) sparked Pastor Manuel’s passion to also reach it for Christ from the church in El Coyolito. This small (population of about 1,000), picturesque, rustic town is filled with simple, hardworking people who need Christ. The El Coyolito church was very helpful in evangelizing this area and helping to start this mission. They have been able to purchase a small rural piece of land and construct a simple structure which now serves as their meeting place. Currently there are about 65 adults who meet regularly. Church services are Sundays at 8 AM and Wednesdays and Fridays at 4 PM. Campus Pastor Andres Damas helps Pastor Manuel to care for this congregation. Pictured below is Pastor Manuel standing in front of Vida Nueva La Labranza.