Vida Nueva El Paraiso

Vida Nueva El Paraiso, located in the northern part of El Salvador in the Chalatenango Department, was established on October 27, 2014 by Pastor Manuel Orellana. This is his fifth mission church plant. El Paraiso (Paradise in English) is a beautiful area, predominately dedicated to cattle farming and agriculture, about 20 miles squared in size, 5 square miles being water, with about 15,000 inhabitants. Pastors Manuel Orellana and Joel Lopez, and their assistant Jonathan Lopez, have worked very hard in this area evangelizing on a regular basis, building relationships in the community and spending time with the people. They have rented a building and meet as a church family on Sundays at 3 PM and on Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 PM. The church currently has about 40 adults. Two major rivers pass through the territory of El Paraiso providing a perfect place for periodic baptism services at the river.
